$1 million worth of Scholarships
Study with a Scholarship for a British Master's degree online from the 4th Best University in the UK

University of California Riverside

The partnership between the Liverpool John Moores University and Unicaf brings together the resources and capabilities of both organisations to offer innovative learning solutions and programmes which are delivered fully online to the needs of a wide range of professionals.
Educational aims of the programme
The programme will explore mass communications across a range of media forms including: entertainment media, broadcast and digital, public relations, advertising and journalism. The programme will address issues of policy, governance, professional practice, international communication flows, digitalisation, political economy, cultural practice and research methods. The programme aims to provide a progressive and challengingcurriculum that is informed by contemporary research and responsive to the changing nature of the Communication industries. The specific aims of the programme are to enable students to:Critique key theories and concepts that underpin the study of mass communications Undertake the evaluation of contemporary mass communications scholarship and professional practice Critically debate the political, legal and ethical aspects of media and communication processes, systems and participation Recognise and anticipate developments in the role played by media and communication in economic and political organisation at local, national, regional, international and global levels Carry out original and independent research through the development of a critical appreciation of research methodologies appropriate for the study of media and mass communications Meet the challenges of employment in a global society through the development of their intellectual, analyticaland research skills related to the study of mass communication
Target award Learning Outcomes - Master of Arts
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge
and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Critically evaluate how mass communications are organised, operated and managed
2. Display a critical awareness of the roles that mass communications play in a range of cultural and social formations
3. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the varied contextual factors influencing mass communications industries and the role of these industries in contemporary political and social life
4. Critically evaluate the limitations of research methodologies and using this judgement propose their own research design
5. Demonstrate a critical awareness of current debates and research in mass communications
6. Draw upon knowledge of the ways in which theories and concepts have developed in particular contexts in their assessment of contemporary issues and debates
7. Appraise legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks which structure mass communication processes and practices
8. Critically reflect upon their research and professional practice.
9. Engage critically with theories and concepts in mass communications and put them to productive use
10. Develop substantive and detailed knowledge and understanding in one or more designated areas of the field
11. Consider and critically evaluate their own work in a reflexive manner with reference to academic and/or professional issues, debates and conventions
12. Critically appraise mass communication with appropriate reference to social context and diversity of media use and engagement
13. Communicate key theories, methods and concepts for the purpose of mass communications analysis
14. Design, carry out and present various forms of research involving sustained independent enquiry at an advanced level
15. Propose, design and conduct research that will demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of concepts, information and techniques at the forefront of the discipline
16. Understand the limits of the major research methods associated with mass communications, and be able to\ apply this knowledge critically to their own work
17. Apply critical debates in mass communications, including those concerned with ethics, policy and professionalism, to practical work.
18. Appreciate how diverse audiences and communities engage with mass communications at local, regional, national, international and global levels.
19. Work in a flexible and independent way, showing self-discipline and reflexivity
20. Plan and implement tasks in a professional manner
21. Communicate their findings clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences
22. Initiate, develop and realise distinctive and creative work within various forms of digital writing
23. Retrieve and generate information, and critically evaluate sources, in carrying out independent research
24. Communicate ideas at an advanced level, deliver work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas and adapting a problem-solving approach demonstrating professionalism
25. Put to use a range of IT skills from basic competences such as data analysis and word processing to more complex skills using web-based technology or multi-media, and develop as appropriate, specific proficiencies in utilising a range of media technologies.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
The aim of this programme is for students to gain academic and intellectual progression in a number of areas of law and criminal justice, together with the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills. Within the context of the University's mission statement and responsiveness to national and international needs, curriculum innovation and continuing quality enhancement, the programme objectives are to: Provide students with knowledge and critical analysis of key themes of law and criminal justice. Provide advanced legal knowledge and skills directly relevant to law and criminal justice through the delivery of intellectually stimulating course content underpinned in many areas by internationally recognised research. Provide critical analysis of the complexities arising in the fields of law and criminal justice using challenging and informing global and comparative perspectives. The course is underpinned by the significance of engagement with existing and emerging research and advanced scholarship. Develop originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline. Alternative Exit/ Interim Award Learning Outcomes - Postgraduate Certificate A student who is eligible for this award will be able to: Show originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry may be used to create and interpret knowledge in relevant areas of law. Have a systematic understanding and critical awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and/or insights into the changing nature of UK and international corporate business organisations operating within a multi-national framework. Demonstrate skills associated with problem-solving and decision making based on own research and analysis demonstrated through legal writing and communication skills. Develop an ability to exercise initiative when faced with novel and/or complex problem situations. Apply critical and analytical skills associated with legal analysis to identified scenario and situations.
Target award Learning Outcomes - Master of Laws
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding critical awareness of the relevant contemporary legal issues.
2. Critically evaluate, analyze and assess the nature of the legal framework, structure and regulation impacting on corporate business organisations using the exemplar of English law set against an international context.
3. Develop a more in depth knowledge and understanding which is sufficient to critically evaluate key issues and current developments in relevant areas of law and/or criminal justice.
4. Show originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry may be used to create and interpret knowledge in relevant areas of law.
5. Have a systematic understanding and critical awareness of current problems and contemporary issues and/or insights into the changing nature of UK and international law.
6. Demonstrate conceptual understanding and evidence critical evaluation, current research and advanced scholarship in the areas of law and or criminal justice.
7. Critically evaluate arguments, assumptions and abstract concepts and so formulate judgements and identify a range of solutions to a given problem
8. Demonstrate skills associated with problem-solving and decision making based on own research and analysis demonstrated through legal writing and communication skills.
9. Develop an ability to exercise initiative when faced with novel and/or complex problem situations.
10. Identify and summarise relevant information and develop an evidence-based approach to research and demonstrate competency in using information technology.
11. Manage time and develop independent learning for continuous development.
12. Apply critical and analytical skills associated with legal analysis to identified scenario and situations.
13. Research effectively through a selection of appropriate theories, methodologies and techniques using primary and secondary materials.
14. Formulate judgements and identify a range of possible solutions to a given problem
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
The programme is innovative and challenging because it provides a multidisciplinary approach to examining international relations. The programme will critically engage with theoretical approaches to International Relations in order to better understand the world.
To further aid understanding of the world, the programme will critically examine in-depth issues of enduring international significance, including: conflict, the role of multilateral institutions, US foreign policy, state-building in the colonial and post-colonial world, and the role of humanitarian actions by state and non-state actors. The programme will enable students to carry out original and independent research through developing research methodologies appropriate to the study of International Relations.
Target award Learning Outcomes - Master of Arts
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Display a critical awareness of political, historical and legal aspects of international relations.
2. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of debates that inform an appreciation of International Relations,International Relations theory and related subjects.
3. Draw upon knowledge of the ways in which theories and concepts have developed in particular contexts in their assessment of relevant issues and debates.
4. Demonstrate a detailed and critically informed knowledge and understanding of the role and contribution of state and non-state actors in shaping international politics.
5. Display an ability to critically reflect upon their research and, if relevant, professional practice.
6. Engage critically with theories and concepts relating to International Relations and put them to productive use.
7. Consider and critically evaluate their own work in a reflexive manner with reference to academic and/or professional issues, debates and conventions.
8. Develop substantive and detailed knowledge and understanding in one or more designated areas of the field(s).
9. Engage with new and emerging forms and arguments, drawing upon a variety of professional and academic skills.
10. Conduct advanced forms of research for essays, projects, or dissertations involving sustained independent enquiry.
11. Propose, design, conduct and present sustained independent research at an advanced level that will demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of International Relations related issues.
12. Understand the limits of the major research methods associated with the study of International Relations, and be able to apply this knowledge critically to their own work.
13. Appreciate how diverse audiences and communities engage in the discussion of International Relations at local, regional, national and international levels.
14. Manage time and resources effectively, by drawing on planning and organisational skills.
15. Work in a flexible and independent way, showing self-discipline and reflexivity.
16. Plan and implement tasks in a professional manner.
17. Retrieve and generate information, and critically evaluate sources, in carrying out independent research.
18. Communicate ideas at an advanced level, deliver work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas and adapting a problem-solving approach demonstrating professionalism.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational Aims of the Programme
Target award Learning Outcomes - Postgraduate Certificate
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Evaluate learning, teaching and assessment in order to inform planning and promote pupil progress
2. Critically analyse and synthesize contemporary educational issues, and educational theory, principles, policy and practice
3. Demonstrate professional accountability and reflective, evidence informed practice
4. Critique and synthesize evidence from a range of sources to inform practitioner inquiry
5. Implement methods of inquiry and reflexivity to investigate, develop and improve practice
6. Evidence ability to support and promote pupil/learner experience through mentoring others and leading practice
7. Design, plan and evaluate effective and inclusive curriculum experiences and pedagogies, drawing on a range of contemporary sources
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
To provide a critical and analytical framework for students to engage with academic concepts, theories, debates and research in the multidisciplinary study of education in the globalised world. To equip students with a critical awareness of key theoretical debates and issues enabling them to develop a critical understanding, evaluation and ethical position in relation to education and social justice issues. To provide a range of learning activities and experiences as a critical context for intellectual development enabling students to critically engage with research in a way that is applicable and relevant to their own academic and practice context. To enable students to reflect on and challenge their own and others' values and assumptions in order to promote socially just policy, and inclusive and ethical practice in education
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Target award Learning Outcomes - Master of Arts
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Demonstrate systematic knowledge and critical understanding of theories and concepts appropriate to the study of education, globalisation and social justice.
2. Use knowledge of different philosophical views of education to inform critical debate about its role in a range of national and international contexts.
3. Demonstrate practical understanding of how techniques of research and enquiry are used to create an original interpretation of knowledge in relation to the study of education, globalisation and social justice.
4. Explore the implications of relevant theory, research and policy in the context of educational governance and practice.
5. Demonstrate critical awareness of the role of educational policy and practice in addressing social justice issues in the globalised world.
6. Plan an appropriate investigative project that involves elements of education and globalisation as fields of study.
7. Synthesise ideas based on study, reflection and/or experience, to create responses to problems that expand or redefine existing knowledge.
8. Challenge own and others' values and assumptions in order to promote socially just policy, and inclusive and ethical practice in education
9. Synthesise effectively and communicate the outcomes of a study in ways consistent with relevant academic conventions.
10. Critically examine educational policy and practice in complex and unfamiliar situations through systematic, ethical investigation.
11. Manage time effectively.
12. Demonstrate Self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems and the ability to act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks.
13. Identify dilemmas and ethical dimensions in complex and unfamiliar situations and acknowledge positionality in these contexts.
14. Analyse and critically evaluate data from a wide range of reliable sources to develop knowledge and critical understanding.
15. Research and present findings using appropriate methods of investigation.
16. Communicate clearly and confidently in both spoken and written form.
17. Work independently as well as part of a team.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
The MSc in Psychology has a strong emphasis on psychological investigation and exploring ethical issues. The primary goal of psychology as a discipline is to contribute to the scientific understanding of mind, brain, behaviour, and experience and of the complex interactions between these. The programme will develop knowledge and understanding of scientific endeavour and the role of empirical evidence in the development of theory relating to human behaviour. It will provide an opportunity to develop skills in quantitative and qualitative research methods and an opportunity to conduct research independently. Applications of psychology will be core to all modules as well as a focus on how psychology can be applied to problems in different regions and cultures of the world. Students will develop breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding in key areas including: health, forensic, work, and positive psychology. They will gain transferable skills including analysis of quantitative and qualitative data analysis and Master’s level research skills.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
An improvement in population health is increasingly recognized internationally as a key element of economic and social development and nowhere is this more evident than in emerging countries with growing economies. This course provides a broad-based understanding of health and its social and environmental determinants with a curriculum informed by key international strategies, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Social Determinants of Health. The focus of this programme is to facilitate the development of public health practitioners; to enhance their knowledge and skills required for public health practice in their local setting. In addition, to develop a public health mindset and approach which is relevant to their role and country. LMIC’s are increasingly challenged with a double burden of disease; whilst still fighting infectious diseases they are now increasingly faced with the growth in non- communicable diseases (NCD’s). Tackling these burdens require a robust evidence base built on sound research, surveillance and intelligence; policy and strategic approaches based on the evidence; health protection measures and health promotion activities at the community level. This programme will introduce these core areas of public health and enable you to apply them to your setting.
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme:
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
The MA Nursing programme provides students with the opportunity to engage in the academic study of nursing, identifying and understanding key arguments in the thematic study of nursing in contemporary society in local, national and global contexts. Completion of this programme will enable students to link theoretical analysis with empirical enquiry in considering issues related to nursing while nurturing intellectual and creative potential. Students are empowered to become rigorous, critical and analytical in their thinking about the interplay between nursing and healthcare, policy, and societal factors. This master’s level programme encourages a high degree of initiative, independent judgement, self-motivation and critical self-awareness to develop students' abilities in research, data selection, organisation, evaluation and analysis so this can be fully utilised in the application of their skills within the field of their choice.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Programme Description
Educational Aims:
The programme aims to equip the students with the knowledge and practical skills to develop, manage and lead digital marketing activity. The programme will also develop skills to be able to identify where digital marketing fits within the business environment through critical reflection and practice-based learning.
More specifically the programme aims to enable students to:
Learning Outcomes:
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Critically evaluate best practice methods for online presence.
2. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of practical digital tools.
3. Critically apply academic theory to a variety of practical tasks.
4. Use adequate analytic tools and techniques to transform data into actionable insight.
5. Critically evaluate the impact of the business environment in influencing the strategy and success of an organisations digital marketing approach.
6. Critically evaluate potential avenues of digital marketing strategy to create value and improve organisational performance.
7. Develop an understanding of how to design and deliver strategic digital tools to a specified target audience.
8. Develop a critical understanding of the structure and implementation of an effective digital marketing campaign.
9. Critically evaluate key aspects of consumer psychology.
10. Critically analyse human cognitive abilities and how they manifest in a context such as online consumer decision making.
11. Critically evaluate and examine research approaches with particular reference to digital marketing.
12. Develop a research proposal for examining digital marketing within an academic or practical environment.
13. Draw evidenced conclusions and make realistic recommendations underpinned by both data and academic literature.
14. Demonstrate effective time management skills in completing the project within an agreed timescale.
15. Develop a practical understanding of key digital software in the industry.
16. Develop an understanding of the skills and knowledge that the digital industry currently demands.
17. Demonstrate a practical skill base through the creation of a digital portfolio
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
To produce graduates who will:
Learning Outcomes
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.
Knowledge and understanding
A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
1. Apply a scholarly approach and up-to-date business knowledge to operate as a versatile, confident, and effective leader in a complex, dynamic working environment.
2. Critically appraise complex problems and situations across functional boundaries in order to develop holistic, integrated strategic responses to organisational and management issues.
3. Prosper as a critical independent learner able to apply and practice principles of reflection and continuous development to positively impact individual and collective performance within the organisation.
4. Synthesise new learning with existing experience to make a positive impact on current context from the start of the MBA programme.
5. Develop knowledge and understanding of current and pervasive issues in business and management to enrich own professional practice, enhance career development prospects and facilitate personal and professional development.
6. Identify, analyse and capitalise on opportunities for transformation and venture creation within the organisation
7. Understand, critically appraise and conduct research providing analysis and synthesising data and information to make sounds judgements and recommendations.
8. Engage in responsible leadership practices, appreciating diversity and behaving with integrity.
Target award Learning Outcomes
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge and understanding as well as skills and other attributes. A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge and understanding to complex issues, both systematically and creatively, so theory is utilised and applied to practice from a critical and informed perspective, thus enhancing organisational effectiveness and competitiveness.
2. Synthesise and utilise knowledge of the different functional areas of business, academic literature, theory and understanding of organisation context, both strategically and operationally, to make integrative links to deliver business impact.
3. Apply systemic thinking principles to aid strategic thinking and planning, connecting ideas and practices to solve complex problems and enhance decision making across functional boundaries.
4. Critically appraise the global, macro-economic and political environment to evaluate appropriate strategic directions, choices, options across different functional areas
5. Have a basic understanding of financial management principles with the ability to interpret and critically appraise organisation financial information and utilise for strategy formation.
6. Critically evaluate and apply knowledge of financial management to appraise and manage organisational risk and support organisational governance and decision making.
7. Apply critical insights from business practice and academic theories and frameworks including trends, challenges and enablers to translate strategy into operational practice.
8. Critically evaluate and utilise appropriate methods and tools to deliver strategic aims or goals as practical deliverable outcomes for organisational growth and impact.
9. Utilise awareness of theories and best practice to develop leadership strategies which create optimal conditions for innovation including the confidence to manage transformation processes, take calculated risks, manage uncertainty, and learn from failure.
10. Critically appraise, leverage and exploit digital technologies, data and disruptive practices to support organisational transformation ensuring sustainability and competitiveness.
11. Exploit opportunities for networking to facilitate horizon scanning to identify and analyse business opportunities for new venture creation
12. Critically evaluate and utilise theories in approaches to practitioner research within the organisation to enable new insights and opportunities to solve complex problems and facilitate change.
13. Progress leadership and management thinking by negotiating and gaining stakeholder engagement in order to undertake a significant research project which utilises academic research philosophies and strategies to challenge established practices and facilitate organisational growth.
14. Use relevant research methods to critically appraise an issue, optimise the synthesis of complex data, both systematically and innovatively, to develop practical solutions and evaluate outcomes.
15. Identify appropriate leadership style(s) for different situations, apply engagement and motivation strategies to manage people, activities and operations and engage effectively with stakeholders
16. Synthesise new learning with existing experience to improve professional practices by increasing self-awareness though ongoing critical reflection taking responsibility for continuing to develop knowledge, skills and emotional intelligence.
17. Engage in responsible leadership practices and behave with integrity. This includes an appreciation of diversity, an openness to utilising the strengths and contributions of all colleagues, a recognition of the importance of active listening, seeking feedback and the humility to learn from others.
18. Develop confidence and expertise to articulate opinions, synthesising and clarifying complex ideas and arguments in both oral and written communication, enhancing ability to persuade and influence all stakeholders to create business impact.
19. Make a professional and informed contribution to the development of practice in an organisation by engaging as a scholarly practitioner; questioning established practice, critiquing and interrogating academic literature and making judgements about relevance and applicability to context.
20. Investigate an issue of strategic importance through in depth research and application of appropriate methodology to provide insight/contribution to business/organisational practice
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
The overall aim of the programme is to provide people of graduate status working, or planning to work, in a computing environment with the opportunity to enhance their career prospects by gaining additional knowledge and skills in the areas of Computing, Information Systems and Management of Computer Technology. The specific aims of the programme are as follows:
1. To provide students with a fuller, systematic understanding of current and developing computer technologies.
2. To enable students to explore the issues surrounding the Management of Information Technology in Business and Industrial contexts.
3. To facilitate students in the development of expertise and interest in topic areas of direct and complementary relevance to their work.
4. To encourage students to become advanced autonomous learners.
5. To provide students with a comprehensive understanding, critical awareness and ability to conduct evaluation of
6. current research issues.
7. To further develop students’ originality in applying analytical, creative, problem solving and research skills.
8. To provide advanced, conceptual understanding, underpinning career development, innovation and further study such as PhD.
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme:
The overall aim of the programme is to develop knowledge, understanding and intellectual and practical skills appropriate to a wide range of project management roles in the global marketplace.
The intention is to provide a stimulating and challenging programme of study resulting in the development of self-reliant, versatile, enterprising and competent project managers.
The programme will offer the appropriate type and level of support as students build their knowledge,understanding and skills to become independent learners for the future.
The specific aims of the programme are to:
1. Develop and/or extend students' exposure to the current and emerging theories and practice of project management
2. Encourage a risk management approach to problem solving
3. Provide opportunities for individual student-centred study in order to develop analytical, critical, problem solving and research skills appropriate to the role of project manager
4. Provide clear career development opportunities to aspiring project managers
5. Provide a dynamic learning environment to facilitate an appreciation of multi-cultural and interdisciplinary project teams
6. Provide a focused understanding of the application of project management theories and strategies to organisations and projects in a global market place.
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme:
The overall aim of the programme is to produce postgraduates who are able to develop into Chartered Engineers who are able to play a significant role as professional civil engineers. It aims to develop the skills needed by those who will take lead roles within the civil engineering profession. In particular, it aims to provide a route for a student with a B.Eng. in Civil or Structural Engineering to fulfil the learning requirements for Chartered Engineer status. The specific aims of the programme are:
1. To produce postgraduates who have a thorough understanding of civil engineering and a critical awareness of the current issues in the field, informed by the latest research.
2. To encourage students to develop their conceptual understanding of civil engineering to evaluate the latest research and design methodologies, and to develop their own methodologies.
3. To develop the students' awareness of the ethical issues of civil engineering and their responsibilities with regard to sustainable construction.
4. To offer experience in the planning and execution of an extended research project in the form of a dissertation.
5. To provide opportunities for students to develop subject specific skills, practical skills, cognitive skills and a range of high level transferable skills
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
The educational aims of the programme are that the student should:
Important Notice:
This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the university's approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.
Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.
Unicaf offers a flexible rolling admissions model with multiple start dates for each programme throughout the year
15/01, 19/02/, 18/03,15/4, 20/5, 17/6,15/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 18/11 and 16/12.
*Start dates for university programmes may be subject to change. Students are advised to regularly check their student profile for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding programme commencement dates.
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Educational aims of the programme
The programme will enable students to: expand their critical understanding in the area of educational leadership, through learning based on critical engagement with current education theory, research, policy and practice; develop their critical educational practice through analysis of, reflection on, and engagement with this knowledge and understanding in their professional settings; develop professionally and personally through learning programmes at Level 7; conduct research relevant to their educational setting around an aspect of leadership in education; achieve their full academic potential at Level 7 through study, encouraging self-motivation, self-awareness and application of initiative; develop their leadership acumen for current and future educational contexts.
Learning outcomes
The entry requirements for admission are:
Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.
* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.
Start dates: | Monthly Intakes | |
Duration: | Depends on the degree | |
Study mode: | Online Learning | |
Awarded by: | Liverpool John Moores University | |
Scholarships: | Partial Scholarships Available |
Excellent employability record with 96% (HESA 2017) of our postgraduates in work
The first university to receive two commended judgements from the Quality Assurance Agency
Ranked 61st for world-leading and internationally excellent research
The experience: Online learning through Unicaf is made possible by an advanced learning management system, designed to provide an optimal learning experience for students.
The support: Friendly, experienced Unicaf student advisers guide applicants through every stage of the application process and support you all the way until you complete your programme and receive your degree.
The online classroom: Students have regular contact and interaction with faculty and fellow students from around the world.
Gain new skills: Learn to communicate ideas at an advanced level, deliver work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas and adapting a problem-solving approach demonstrating professionalism.
Future employment: Throughout the Master’s degree, key aspects will be taught which will help you get the best possible job.
Improve your chances: A British Master’s degree will open doors for a job interview.
*Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.